Finally.....Home ownership made easy!

Lease Option
  • Are you in the market to BUY a home, but worried about the hassles of  financing?

  • Are you looking for easy owner financing?

  • Have you been told you can't qualify for a new home loan?

  • Have you had some credit challenges in the past?

  • Have you had the same job for the past 6 months?

  • Have you filed bankruptcy?

  • Are you self-employed?

Millions of honest, hard-working people lack the near-perfect credit that banks and mortgage companies require to buy a home these days!
Late payments, repossessions, divorce, medical bills, unstable work history, lack of a huge cash down payment, too much debt, judgments, bankruptcy and even the newly self-employed can all spell rejection when you try to buy a home today.

Our primary goal is to make the process of owning a home simple. By eliminating the need for banks and lending institutions, we have made it possible for anyone to fulfill their dream of becoming a homeowner.
As a future homeowner, all you need is a steady job, a nominal down payment (we may even be able to help with the down payment), and sufficient income to afford your home, we will do the rest!

You may be able to qualify for or Tenant Buyer program.  We have a large selection of homes in all areas.  We work with people that have been told "no".  Most of the time we can say "YES". Just fill out our simple form and we will get back with you to explain our program.

Full Name :
Your Email:
Phone Number :
Home Address:
City, State, Zip :
Area interested in living?:
No. of people in the home:
Current payment:
Gross monthly income:
Message :
Image (case-sensitive):